About Cotoneaster Multiflorus
The many-flowered cotoneaster shrub is just as the name describes. This is a fast-growing shrub that produces abundant clusters of white flowers in spring. Native to China, this cotoneaster is hardy through zone 4 in North America. The shrub will grow up to 12 or even 15 feet (3.6 to 4.5 m.) tall. Most grow wider than they are tall and have a sprawling, natural sort of appearance. You can trim to shape these shrubs, but the long, drooping branches are attractive when left alone. In early spring, many-flowered cotoneaster’s weeping branches transform into long sprays of white flower clusters. The flowers are small and white, about a half inch (1.25 cm.) across. The leaves are small and oval, blue-green in color and attractive in fall. In fall, you’ll also get clusters of bright red berries that are just as showy as the spring flowers.
Many-Flowered Cotoneaster Care
When growing many-flowered cotoneaster, find a spot where it will get full sun or partial shade. The soil should be loose and drain well. Watering needs are moderate. Once you get the shrub established, you shouldn’t need to water it unless you have unusual drought conditions. Many-flowered cotoneaster is a versatile shrub you can use in a lot of different ways. It makes a good hedge, or a focal point or backdrop for perennial and annual flowers. The large size means that it works as a privacy screen. Many-flowered cotoneaster tolerates wind, so you can use it as a windbreak as well. This is a shrub that is easy to grow, requires little maintenance, and will grow large quickly. Use it to screen and also for visual interest year-round.